Legal guardians

Vklass logga

Introduction for legal guardians

Händer som håller i mobil


Do you need help with Vklass?
Contact Digital Support - 031-36 700 50

For more information about how Vklass is used - contact the school.

Change language

To change language in the mobile app - click on the question mark in the upper right corner.

Sign into Vklass

Sign into Vklass 

Sign in without BankId 

If you do not have a BankId you have to request a login. Contact the school for information on how to proceed.

Vklass login - välj organisation
Choose organisation
Vklass login - Göteborgs Stad UBF
Göteborgs Stad UBF
Göteborgs Stad BankID
Vklass login - BankID
Sign in with BankId

Add your email address and phone number the first time you sign in

It is important that you add your email address and phone number the first time you sign in - to be able to communicate with the school via Vklass.
Click on your name in the upper, right corner in the app and choose "inställningar" (settings).

Students who turn 18

Students who turn 18 and want to allow custodians to continue viewing their study results in Vklass

Students can choose to allow their custodians to continue viewing their study information in Vklass after they have reached the age of 18.

To do this the student logs in to the old Vklass interface. Under "My Account", they click the box "Allow custodians to access my results after I have turned 18" followed by the Save button. Note that the student can only see this box after they have turned 17.